Well, to boil it down without being too specific, this involves the man that was recently arrested for child trafficking, and a certain VIP who associated with him for years, and there were several pictures of the two together, along with other evidence like flight logs - on the internet, for years also. A common search would bring them up.
So, either yesterday or the day before, all the photos were removed from the web. I read something today that in between when the photos were removed and now, they've put some of the pictures back up, but they photo-shopped them so it looks like two separate photos put together in one photo, like they weren't really in the same place at the same time. Pure trickery!
But like the poem says, millions of people have made copies of the original photos, especially because this guy got off on the same charges before and people hated that. So they weren't destroyed permanently. It also won't help the trafficker's and friends' case, because the prosecutors will have those photos and probably even more photos that we've never seen.
Thank you for all that information! I didn't know, or rather hadn't noticed, that the only images I am seeing now are of the accused and one certain VIP whom liberal MSM especially loves to denigrate. It's not surprising but it sure is disturbing. Thank you for pointing it out.