Dark & Alone
A night of darkness that brings out the sinister in some
Those disturbed and tormented by demons
Walking a path between two worlds
Their lives spent dwelling between reality's seam
The moon is full and bright
It beckons the twisted fool
Drawing sigils in his own blood
Speaking incantations to the Succubus of the night
Succumbing without a fight
Giving his heart and soul without price
Happy just to be loved
Or rather to be tricked in plain sight
She'll give him five minutes of superficial lust without shame
The demon soothes his heart, a cure for the lonely and depressed
But takes much more in return
His eternal suffering and pain
Still, he has no regrets
Better to love once then never at all
A loser in life, taunted by women and men alike
This could be as good as it gets
Check out the following Free In Thought publications, available now on Amazon in paperback and e-book:
Chantal's Law: To Serve And Obey
Cuck's Club: Young And Entitled Princess