Abundance call fill a man's heart with wealth
It can bring love to mend a troubled past
Flowing like a river it can overwhelm
An unstoppable force that can deliver opportunities vast
Like attracting like
I sharpen my focus
Concentrating on desires that will fulfill
Its law is real and not hocus-pocus
Wealth and happiness flow in from near and afar
Merging minds sharing thoughts freely
Ideas of intrigue and adventure spanning the conscious spectrum
Even sinking into dreams awakening dormant powers ideally
Thank you existence for providing
That which I ask
My gratitude is yours
In abundance I bask
Free In Thought
As always, I truly appreciate your support and comments. If you feel so inspired, please upvote, comment and resteem.
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Writing is original - Always
All written material is copyrighted (c) by @freeinthought the year it was posted
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Erotic Fiction by Free In Thought Website
I love this! Abundance and gratitude meditations are my favorite! :)) I will also be sure to check out your book!
It's a fascinating topic. The law of attraction has been on my mind for many years. I'm certain there's truth to it. Thanks for your interest in my writing! :)
I started looking into the law of attraction only this year and have noticed that it had worked for me all my life - I just didn't realize (or register) it. :)). Really cool!
@freeinthought i will try to read this book... it send to be fantastic.
Thank you so much. It's a new and exciting experience. I'm grateful that you stopped by today. :)
The best, as always🙏🏻🤩👌🏻
Thank you. :)
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