We are all connected. We all draw our inspiration and build our lives from the same source of consciousness. We are individual yet our paths intersect and our choices connect with others. I wanted to write a poem that touches on the beauty of our creations and how sometimes it doesn't succeed but occasionally we connect with others in a meaningful way. And that can be a beautiful thing.
Individuals casting a pebble of an idea in a pond
Creating ripples cascading far and beyond
They intersect with others to create geometric marvel
Spawned from choices propelled out into the unknown sea of life
A careful toe of decision often cautious and nervous ventures in
How its message is received and by whom remains a mystery
Often the ripple continues undisturbed and unnoticed
It fades away with a whimper never to be seen again
Perseverance pushes onward casting yet another pebble of passion
This one is different
It intersects another rolling ripple of intention and aspiration
The two connect, compound and amplify – they become one
One movement now larger than the sum of its individual components
Ready to grow and take on new life
Such is the human endeavor to create and connect with others
To cooperatively achieve the bigger, better and beautiful
We are all pebbles being cast by our hopes and dreams
Seeking to be accepted by the cool and vast waters
Together, causing ripples in the same ebbing and flowing pond of life.
Free In Thought, 2016
Please be sure to FOLLOW me and check out my other creative contributions at@freeinthought. Thanks for reading!
Photo Credits: foot in water - unknown from gettyimages, ripple in water - unknown from pinterest
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