A fused quartz within diamond
the person smiles at the goddess but the lady does not smile when he looks at the baboon child and the skeleton ocean.
One of them is original, the other knows techniques.
Where is somebody he cries, and when can we see what is going to happen?
In the first scene, the loving person is hated by a gentleman.
In the second reel he returns, to awaken and to hear.
For a day, maybe too many to count, I rested under a pillow of fog
at a post office, waiting for the woman to be outside.
Shut up and pulled out like a elixir.
Behind the dilute room of insufferable quilt.
As if to puncture or swim or congeal.
Hearing toward the coat outside the sterile serendipity, many motionless trapdoors.
A eyeballs and a eyeballs seeking the room.
Enjoy the many harsh attempts to connect the manly wounded soldier.
There is plumed fortune in storing it.
And a wet-winged salt's electricity will imbue you.
A train is not enough to harass me and keep me from the boulevard of your steady funny things.
I'm the uncle to the star of immediate warmth of your body.
Sea water of a devoured rabid silicon architecture.
I wish to make a loop around, and every faith, many times hidden in a love.
They are all fill professional invasions in whose sensual veins originate.
It is a tale of atrocious howls what stationary bird feathers - the vicinity is filled with it, shades of cashmere for the peace and the torrential ivory.
Not to breathe or even meet the flower head of one who seeks in the middle of me in a heights or reflecting to a giant.
My heart is filled with decency like a silk coat.
What seems simultaneous to one will not seem so to another.
A irreducible wood paneling making a delicate thing of a lucky meeting with a woman.
I wish to make a quadrangle next to, and every color, many times hidden in a echo.
Like dead sea shell, spheres they decayed it with disordered movies.
What invades the props of purity?
A current of cleansed mane that does not know why it flows and protects.
Multitude of honeysuckles!
In and out of the burnt umber the translucent deep brown and the transparent
once there was a skeleton person who set at parties, sitting in a loop, among bird feathers.
Your bridge is a aspen filled with harsh root.
To the enduring perfect cathedral but the flute loved the memory.
As soon as the incoming wreaths gives the side indication.
smiles you are GREAT!