Ok, let's start with a question, what is a bandit's "bandy"? That can show cards.
Now, we spoke of it in critique class, so I have to point it out, the near-rhyme of "doily" and "origami" at the final stanza was distracting.
You need to use more commas. You use them, so there's no excuse for not using them everywhere, really. Especially when there are a couple of instances such as "one foot yours one mine" where you need one in the middle of the line.
"Chameleon culture changing colours" is a lovely line, and full of alliteration, but considering alliteration doesn't really return until the final stanza's first two lines, it's a bit weird.
"passerbyer" is incorrect.
"Hand over your heart" is probably my favourite line here due to the ambiguity of being part of the Oath of Allegiance or of being a command to hand over your heart to someone else.
If we compare this poem to the prior day's (Celibacy is the New Ecstasy), then it begins answering much of my criticism about that one - it is clear and direct. It has teeth, and it uses them to bite.
But then it keeps going and it loses it.
"Daisies scaring daffodils" is a non-sequitur saying nothing.
"Lack of regulation killing bees" straddles the line between conveying both the literal meaning and hinting at the gun-control issue, and not being clear about that.
And then we get into lines that are again disdainful without being clear. "The mouse is a metaphor" - and I spoke of it a bit in Plainclothes Prophet, with using "metaphor" and "proverbial" being weird when that is itself a metaphor, and here it feels a bit lazy, to point it out in case someone will miss it, and to point it out to not be accused of using a cliche while using one.
The start of this poem is great. Then it folds.
I really feel as if all of these disdainful poems, or somewhere around 4-5 of them could be mashed into one incisive poem that really conveys what you want to say, without all the twee fat.