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RE: Untitled

in #poetry7 years ago

I love the elements. Fire and water are obvious, and earth to hold it all up. Earth to hold us all up, kind mother that she is.

And what I love most about these three elements is the hidden presence of the fourth, for air and spirit is the medium, not of what flows within, but of the piece itself.

I also do not see fire and river as separate. I see it as a river of fire, of liquid life, flowing through, into the seas, and the "glory reaching high"? That is a new island born, to bear and sustain life. A pyre of fire, a womb of life.
Pyre also contains both life and death, and the cycle of it, within one word. I like your use of it.

Speaking of things, every time you say "Holy holy" or "Sacred sacred" I smile, because for one, what is holy but the holy? What is sacred but what is? But it also puts me in mind of one of my favourite alliterative phrases, "Sanctum sanctorum," and I feel that is also what you try to communicate by said phrase, that it's being touched.

Before moving to the final point, I want to point out you used the word. Because sometimes a word is a choir, and we cannot escape it. Nor should we.

Finally, I love the overall theme, of mingling, of being coloured. Of being touched, while still being true to yourself. Accepting whatever change may come, while also accepting that you shape the other, and that while the two merge, they still remain distinct, to properly hold and accept the other as they are. I love that if I had to choose word one to describe the imagery in this post it'd be an image of "Vastness." And if I had to pick but two more, "But near."


Your breakdown is incredible, I feel nude now. ha.

Shouldn't you be feeling naked when you pose for us all to see into your soul?

But I guess truth lies in the eyes of the beholder.

(And who am I to complain about the sight?)
