The image given by all of these is one of an introvert. Performance, and leadership is always a performance, takes a lot out of you. I know, I too am an introvert.
I feel as if 3-4 are related in particular. It is the introversion and being a watcher that make one wish to not be a leader, but also often give one the skills to become on.
I rarely give advice of this sort, especially when unsolicited, but looking at 1 and 5 together, I feel I must. In my own 5 facts post I spoke of how the household in which I was raised was one where not enough love was shown. I am not saying you're not showing love to your children and family, because you say you do, but this line got to me:
and my hope is that it will relay how much I really loved them.
There is no such thing as "showing too much love" to one's family. I think any opportunity you have to show them exactly how much you love them now, which you pass on, is a mistake.
Also, always happy to know more about people. I too have spent a long time people-watching, and you need to be interested in people for that. Good luck, Moe.