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RE: Words as Rosary Beads (Day 13)

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

That last bit on cynics made me chuckle. Aside from one part of it, that is true of all ideologists. All idealists, even. Cynics, like many of the most stringent atheists, are just another form of idealists. I personally think cynics are optimists that feel the need to shelter their fragile hearts.
Explanations are not excuses, but still. But maybe that stance is born out of me being an optimist cynic, or a cynical optimist, which I wrote on before. That I see the best, and use it to expect the worst. Or maybe the other way around.

That's a good quote, by Gibran. Unsurprisingly.

And I hear you. After my first barrage of love poems this year, I wrote several pieces on the limited scope of words. Oh, I hear you.

And here's a rhetorical question, is silence ever one's master, or the tool we use, or the environment we need, to be our own?

P.S. I'd argue our best creations do tend to be us stealing from ourselves. I mean, when we finally make something good, why use it only once? :D


Sure, cynics are broken-hearted idealists, who promise never to trust or love, again. If you ask me, they poison life with their calculating, small-mindedness.

A cynic is a person who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing.

  • Wilde

In the pregnant prescription of one who devoted an entire book of thoughtful meditations to this subject, philosopher Max Picard says: “Silence is listening.” And, as attentive practitioners of this metaphysical art may sense, it can sometimes be unclear who is doing the actual listening… us, or Silence itself.

So, yes, Master, all ways, never tool. It is Silence that uses us ;)