...quivering tickly tummy on the dialing...the long tense ringtones...
as a cord snaked and twisted around fingers, wrists, and other body parts, during our phone dates!
Those whispered notions between words and phrases, that trickled out
...our small talk in fantasy-novel color...
the nearly palpable vapors of thought, that spun and wove our conversations into the sweetest puppyish-love ever!
My first car was a rotary phone.
...whose role it was to whirl out the sound of "you" in a rotary dialect... spinning me into space, and landing me breathlessly into your teenaged ear!
"My first car was a rotary phone" ©️2018
I love this poem! Such raw emotion packed in delicacy, and I love the title :-) You got by the way mentioned in The Hunt Curation: an article by @poetsunited made to search for and find great poets and poetry! You are very welcome to read it, if you'd like:
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