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RE: Other Things

in #poetry7 years ago

Your love for your wife just sort of drips from this one. :) In much the same way you took me into melancholy in a previous poem, you brought me to laugh with that happy contentment of a life lived in loving relationship with someone incredible. You have a gift for words.

I tend to work with spoken word and the works I'm creating are some attempt to try to bring the delivery of a spoken word to something that can live on a page. I feel like each time I read one of your works, I really ought to be taking better notes so that perhaps someday the "craft" of writing I have cultivated might better resemble what I encounter in yours.

Thanks John! (by the way, if you ever have chance to take a look and have anything you might want to offer as critique or suggestion to improve, I would listen... oh yes I would most definitely listen... I'd be a fool not to.)


I think the reason why psalms and proverbs touch me so deeply is the fact that they are from the heart - anything from the heart is profound and ultimately beautiful - anything else is just technique, IMHO

I've always thought of particularly the psalms as "earthy" and in so doing I too agree there is tremendous beauty there. Your poetry I'm finding connects to that same sense of "earthy" for me. It's weighty, it's real... it lives here among us and invites us to live as well. thanks again.
take care