[ORIGINAL POEM] Going Vegan to Become More Comfortable in my Temple

in #poetry7 years ago


I’m uncomfortable in my own body
I’m way too big
I know this is my only home
But I have a hard time loving it
I have to take better care of my temple
Treat it with love and respect

People often tell me I’m too fat
They say I don’t have character and self-discipline
That I eat too much and exercise too little
As if I didn’t know that
As if I didn’t suffer enough already because of my weight
Trust me, I think about it all the time

I might whine about people’s comments sometimes
But they´re actually doing me a favor
I’m so sick of people’s comments
But above all I’m sick of hearing myself complaining about my body
I must do something
Something that doesn’t include starving myself

I’ve had a normal sized body sometimes but to achieve this
I was constantly starving myself, puking and living on a very unhealthy diet
I’m wise enough now to know that it’s not a reasonable price to pay to be skinny
So, I’m going vegan, not 100 % vegan but as much as I can
I’m not going vegan only to lose weight, but that’s a big reason
Also it’s good for the animals, the environment and my health

Thanks for all the mean comments about my body
It has come to my attention that some people nowadays promote big bodies
Yes, everyone has the right to decide over their own bodies
But I don’t think that “big is beautiful” is a good thing to promote
In the end of the day it’s not at all healthy to be very overweight
Most of the time a big body witness of some sort of food abuse

Would we tell a drug addict “go for it, you have the right to destroy yourself!”
By promoting big bodies we are saying that food abuse is okay
But I’m very positive to a trend about having more normal sized models
What we should do it to help overweight people to deal with their problems
Because I believe food abuse often has to do with some sort of psychological problems
I’m going vegan, I'm going to give it a fair try!


Such a good read, glad to see another vegan here on Steemit!

Thanks! Do you have any advice for a vegan newbie? :)