Poetry Love and Motivation

in #poetry8 years ago

I seen the fear and hurt in her eyes no smile cracked
The utterances of foul words from a bully
Yea I know you love me and I love you
I’m truly sorry for what I said
I didn’t mean to hurt you
Too many times words piercings’ trough the heart and sorry is dead
Should have asked for forgiveness and changed my ways
Too long have I erred in my actions
I wish I could go back 1 week times 365 days
Remembering the times and looking at the man in the mirror Mike Jackson
I should have thought before I spoke those words
Should have ordered my steps sooner
I asked life for a refund on the harsh things you may have heard from me
I guess no time for late bloomers
You bargain with life for a penny
Life will not give back a penny more
You bargain with love with words of hate, envy, jealousy
You run out, out of time, out of words, no more.