Beauty in Obscurity

in #poetry7 years ago

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I hope you get the message...


My mind seeks light,
My heart is without a smile,
Smokes that do lie,
Block my sight.

QUESTions, that fill my eyes,
For as one door opens,
Ten more doors,
Lay up front closed,
My curiosity needs to know,
Unclaimed, my desires proclaimed so.

For my heart glows a blue flame,
For it is the strength of my will,
And is yet to be my fame,
For I was curious of the Quest in the first,
For many were the questions that laid ahead,
But now I know much more little,
For I knew nothing at the first,
For it is all now clear,
And the smokes,
I find none anymore.

For it was not a matter,
Of the Quest for questions,
For it is now,
That I was the answer,
Running through the blind smoking questions,
For this discovery uncovered,
Was the very reason,
I stopped asking why.