Like a poet who is in love
I also want to rhyme at will
This is not poetry
Instead of words that want to dance from the heart
Shaking the script is not easy
it takes a lot of imagination to bloom
sometimes you are present when I am hard
Feelings of excitement mixed with joy
Day and night tirelessly
Accompany me without much argument

Hello Im a @siatteuk good your post @hamdaniaceh
Ini bukan puisi
Alih-alih kata-kata yang ingin menari dari hati
Shaking script tidak mudah
dibutuhkan banyak imajinasi untuk mekar
Terkadang Anda hadir saat saya keras
Perasaan girang bercampur aduk
Siang dan malam tanpa kenal lelah
Menemani saya tanpa banyak argumen
ka vote bek kakomen
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pugapeugah ma keuh .kateumuleh beuget ile .
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pugapeugah ma keuh .kateumuleh beuget ile .