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RE: Jilted Town [original poetry]

in #poetry7 years ago

This is powerful! I had to read it a few times for it to fully sink in and grasp the true sentiment of it... As a writer all my pieces come out really huge... so I'm always fascinated when people are able to so delicately articulate themselves and their feelings in short poems like this.

I loved reading it. Thank you for sharing and I hope the visit back 'home' wasn't as cold as you may have expected.

With love
Hart Floe


The coldness probably comes from me... hard to go back and see places you remember driving by with a three-year-old boy who's now 23 and recently crashed his mountain bike and got a bad concussion, which makes you think of him as three again...

I went up that day (it's only 30 minutes from where I live now) and again today for more pix for the contest post, and today I took my 15 year old son up to practice his driving. He drove by the house of the friend he'd known in preschool. I used to drive that road a lot when this 15 yo was an infant. The drive was odd and fun and nostalgic and sad. And it's that pain that I think I'm projecting onto my diner-waitress image of Evergreen. Anyway, thanks for sharing your reaction. I appreciate all the reactions people leave, but don't always have time to comment on each one!

Well... I really appreciate you taking the time to comment and add to the story here. It gives me more context of course! Life is funny... memories, nostalgia, sadness, missing, joy, bliss - such a rollercoaster ride of emotions... but it's just a ride right? Whatever happens... we gotta make sure we enjoy it :)

I look forward to having children very much... and all these strange feelings and weird moments that will come as they grow old and things change and warp and mutate... it must be a strange sensation.

Anyway really great to read this and feel the emotion through it, and thanks for taking the time to respond here :) It's increased my connection to the poem and the sentiment found within... and of course with the author!

Great to have found you and the Isle of Write so early in my journey on Steemit... super grateful!

Thanks again :)

With love
Hart Floe