He faced off with the faceless interface over forced false notions of disgrace, public humiliation, psychic mutilation, attested to attempted temptations from undone imaginations into macho machination versions of human life. It all laid out and played foul, the romantic version of life presented a kind of molestation quality that tried to force the mold of you into a perfect citizen subject subjected to the whims of the authoritarian paternalistic institutions of government, school and religion. When the the parent holds the child close for comfort out of fear that's when the teeth come out!! No parent should ever take comfort from a child out of fear or the kid has every right to rip the heart right out of your chest with it's sharp toothed animal jaws!!
The culture was amiss! Oh the cries of realization that your parents were raised by the wrong group!! Oh no!! You were born into the culture too and picked up some of it's bad habits!! Now the job opening to open the Cartoon Detox Rehab Center! Undo the undo mind programming, no this is not a test or a conspiracy. What is real reality for real? Every big country seems to pick on by attempted genocide certain people they deem 'unsavoury'. That shows the mad house of the current culture. Systemic prejudice, racism is a scapegoat low move to keep the rat race going!! The only reason why your racist is 'cause your in a rat race!! Profits for certain big companies at the expense of livelihoods and environments, never worth it. Fat ugly monoculture meat farms, nasty pesticide fake fertilized feed crops for the human pigs and pigs. Pig meat tastes closest to eating real human flesh.
The red flags of these so called lifestyles are all over my face!! It's in your face!! The plastic toxins flow through the blood while the feminization of water species show what we have done. Beyond sick. We have to live with this travesty on our heads. While the so called happy people like the pot head crack pots are really quite negative!! if they take comfort in a certain spin on the the notion of giving up. Hee hee hee and me me me. Do they not realize that is giving in and you are stripped of your label of being a rebel? Rebel against the rebels to fight psychological gremlins. The haze mutates into your inner circle, these dear lads have gone mad or at least non-sane. You gotta have an opinion, make your mind, No! for me I don't have a so called mind within the confined opinionated closed closet space protected by mass hysteria binds in place of a peace of mind to have only a piece of mind as a substitute for a peace of mind, for making up your mind is no peace of mind at all in a debate that cannot be resolved, all these damned ad hominem false arguments!! Can you walk the razors edge of sarcasm!? Do you have to resort to calling someone a name then claiming it as your opinion, don't make me laugh.
Ossam frnd ossam ,no words to say ...u r best that its.
Thanks so much, thanks for stopping by the blog post
Very unique and amazing art work! @havok777💙💚
Thanks, it was my pleasure to share this out there
You're welcome. Keep it up! 😊✨
Hilarious art sir @havok777.
hehe thanks so much, it was fun!