Like it is not enough that they have been deprived of their loved ones, their homes, education and peace, these victims of circumstance are being subjected to untold hardships and even deprived of food and amenities donated to them.
Imagining the hell the Internally Displaced Persons in Northeast Nigeria are going through, I decided to pen this down as my own means of reaching out to them since I have no money or position to effect a change in their lives right now.
In between overwhelming Alps
Lies a fertile ground
Where it never stops raining
All day flows an endless stream
Of trepidation
This valley balefully bullied by
Torrents of negligence and injustice
Prone to hailstorm of insecurity
Studded with pilferers of destiny
The bounty hunters came and claim their spoils
The philanderers were not left out
And here I am stuck in wonder
Of when the farmer will take action
To savage his tender valley
That flows an endless stream
An endless stream of hot tears
Hot tears I see in the face of the IDPs
This is a raw fact about happenings in the country... Thumbs up bro
Hermoso poema, parece también describir la situación que vivimos en Venezuela…---…
Beautiful poem, it also seems to describe the situation we live in Venezuela ... --- ...
This is beautifully scripted. It doesn't only touch on the situation in Nigeria it speaks on the garment of deprivation which enclothes us, as Africans. GOD help us really.
Cant imagine they lives these folks lead there
The IDP's are really through a lot,it could have been any of us. Keep up the good work
You painted the image well bro...
This is exactly what's happening
Don't thank me empty-handed...
Bring chicken
Neatly composed g. Steem on
It's high time we began to open our eyes to the real facts of life. You are a change in the right direction.
Nice one on this