There seems to be a sense of inevitability woven in these lines. It reads like that to me (or maybe that's just my own thoughts on the matter weighing in). I think/hope humans will find a way to adapt and express themselves across the growing divide. Despite this grand life. As you do here. :) Beautiful.
Be well and make the most of this day.
I believe it will be inevitable, just like all of the previous Industrial Revolutions. I totally agree! We will learn, we'll adapt, and we'll ultimately retain our humanity through the cyclone of change. We'll probably come out on the other side much better for it. I just listened to the new JRE podcast (#2206) with Chamath Palihapitiya and he did a very good job of painting a picture of what the next few decades will look like and much of it is super exciting but also a tad scary. That good old double-edged sword, you know? Thank you my friend!