I wrote this poem as a teenager when I was going to the Isle of Lewis to see my Mum and somehow I missed the connecting bus from Inverness to Ullapool. I ended up with nowhere to go for the night, as I had no spare cash, and I met this troubled lad and we talked all night. Looking back it wasn't the safest thing I could have done, but it turned out ok...
To a Stranger at Inverness Bus Station
Past events that are too sobering
To a mind fused with drugs
A life with little or no love
Mother alcoholic, Dad gone
His memory was elsewhere
I had many identities
Two strangers with no-one else
To care what the past entailed.
Maybe I managed for a while
To make Inverness less lonely
For a man run out of chances
So much gone at only twenty
I so badly wanted to help
I hope in some small way I did
A break from the monotonous norm
A shoulder to shiver on
Love this Discord Group with all my <3 - come, apply, join...

Nicely written :-)
Great poem, @hopehuggs! I could totally relate to what you wrote, because I once had a similar situation happen to me. I was at a truck stop just trying to rest for the night on a long road trip, and I couldn't sleep, so I decided to walk around for a bit.
I met this kid who I found out later was only 20, and he asked me for a cigarette but I told him I didn't have any. Instead of just walking away and continuing to do what he was doing, he started talking to me and he unloaded his whole life story onto me and told me about how he got involved in gangs and drugs and how he feels all alone in the world because his family hasn't seen him in almost a year.
I find that for whatever reason, random people that I meet tend to just unload their whole life stories and problems onto me. Perhaps I just give off that vibe that you can talk to me, idk. I do rather enjoy it, though, because I find that listening to people's life stories helps me to better understand people, and it also gives me inspiration for possible characters and character development in future writings :P
One question, how do I join the discord channel for The Unmentionables? I set up my Steem Voter to upvote them but I didn't realize there was also a Discord :P
Yes @rodeo670, I was going to get in touch with you today actually , as your application to the Unmentionables has been approved, so if you can get in touch with @Panda#3993 on discord he will send you an invite. Tag me once you get there and I'll get you all set up as a verified member.
Awesome!! I've messaged him and now the waiting game :P I'll definitely keep you posted and tag you as soon as I do get in though! Thank you so much! :)
Very moving poem! I wonder how he is doing now! I'm from the NE of Scotland, by the way. Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you, I'm now live on the south east coast of England and my Mum now lives in France. But I do love Scotland, particularly the Borders and Invereness.
The south east coast of England is lovely, as is France! You are closer to your Mum there!