I fell in love...and now the plans won't go away.

in #poetry7 years ago

Painful as it sounds, I am in love. I am in love for the first time since last night.
You ask why and with whom have I found this love and I say... Love.

It is painful because it isn't with you I am in love with. The prophet's prophecies says, it will be you. Okay not exactly that way he said it, but the tells all point to you; how I wished it is you.

Look at me you blind raving made genie of love, I want to love her and then you gave me someone else. I dreamt it was her and then I wake up feeling happy with someone other than her.

Fuck you! Yes, go fuck you for not allowing me get fucked by the one I love. You are as inconsiderate as you have always been from time old and I wonder how much more will I get for my being in love.

Joke is on me and when I close my eyes I see the crowd laughing and pointing their raggedy fingers at me saying... "You got screwed again."

Baby, I love you but I am sorry I found someone else who will make me happier than you left me.
You were perfect and that made my stay with you always troublesome because you measured me for and by your standard.

This person I find myself in love with, loves me despite my shortcomings and she says, I am perfect for her.


I fell in love with your poetry. I was reading and lost in my loving person.