Lemme tell you a story
So I went to church on Sunday. My aunt needed me to get something from a friend. I couldn't reach her and I don't know where she stays so going to church was my only option. On our way from church, I informed her that I wasn't going to graduate this year as I had some carryovers. Besides, my project supervisor told me he will give me an F because I didn't come to see him all through the semester. (And I didn't because I was tired of school already. I fucking hate school)
She was mad. She was about to rant when I told her I didn't want to hear any of it. I never cared for school and she knows it. I have always wanted to drop out since 200 Lvl. She then told me I was a disappointment. I was actually a pastor before I became an atheist. She told me I was a disgrace. That so many people are embarrassed to have even known me.
I told her that I don't care. I mentioned to her that ultimately, I am responsible for my life. I reminded her that left to me, I would have become a journalist and writer by now. But no! Mum and Dad insisted I attend a university. Now everyone is ashamed of me.
Well, she didn't give up. She said I had to come back to my senses. That so many people are looking up to me. That was her punchline. She kept on repeating it. In essence, I have to 'adjust' my life because some other persons (who I don't even know personally) have an idea of who I am and I must live up to that expectation. It's madness, you know.
mistake being helpful for giving a shit
That's the point. I have a few folks who I really care about: My two sisters and brother. If anyone has a right to demand I stay true to my principles, it is those three. And that's because we share more than just blood. Hell, My parents don't even know I am an atheist yet.
At the end, nothing matters, absolutely nothing. Only one exception: Perspective. We actually assign values to people and things. And we surely can take them away. Stripped of those values, nothing fucking matters
I think I lost the plot too.
It was a good plot while it lasted, I understand what you mean in my way, I find what they are actually doing at times is to try and affirm that their opinion should mean something to you when in fact it has no weight on you at all. Best of luck dealing with them I assume it is a daily struggle.