A Knight's Quest for Love

in #poetrylast year (edited)


Upon yonder hill, where shadows dance,
And whispers echo in a mystic trance,
There lies a tale of love and woe,
Where the moon's soft glow doth softly flow.

In fields of green, where daisies sway,
A knight doth kneel at break of day,
With armor gleaming in the morning light,
He seeks his lady, his heart's delight.

Through forests deep, where faeries dwell,
He rides alone, his courage swell,
To rescue her from the dragon's lair,
And show his love beyond compare.

With sword in hand and heart aflame,
He faces danger, heeds no shame,
For in her eyes, he finds his quest,
To win her love and prove his best.

But fate doth twist and turn the tide,
As battles rage and champions bide,
Yet in the end, love conquers all,
As they stand together, proud and tall.

So raise thy voice, in song and cheer,
For love endures, both far and near,
In tales of old and legends grand,
Forever written, in golden sand.<\center>