I want to speak in tongues to describe you
I want to speak in Hebrew to tell your story
I want to speak in mysteries to describe
Your perfection
I want cosmogony to stand in awe
At the beauty of a mother's love
I want the stars to bow in adoration
I want your name to be echoed in space time continuum
I want your name to be written in books,
I want your biography to be an epistle
I want to write poems to tell of your beauty
I want to write a sonnet to describe your smiles
I want to write an ode to tell the whole world of
Your magnificence
I want to write in stanzas
I want to chant in proverbial sayings to exalt your
Name for all the world to see
But mama what manner of words shall your name
Be described
Which language will tell of your perfection
What scribbled words will described your beauty...
Mama am short of words
I cant speak to tell the world how beautiful you are to me
Mama my pen chants your name
For this day I scribbled your name in gold
For this day I write your name in the stars to appreciate all that you have done
I exalt you with words far beyond space and time
I call you my mammi, for the gods gave you to me and called you my own
Mama my ink is empty for even a poet finds it difficult to describe his mother's love
The raving of my pen can describe the beauty in your eyes
For I know not how to tell this tale
I know not what to write
Mama let me speak so you may hear
Mama let me write and let heaven take note
For I have exalted my mom beyond the brightest stars of the north
Let creatures know that I have spilled words
Woven from golden threads.
Just to tell you how much I love you
Mama what shall I say this day
Thinking of you brings tears to my eyes for it's your love that makes me never to forget home
It's your food that is cooked to perfection
That makes me remember my mother's pot.
For this day mama you are given a name
Even angles don't know it's meaning
For this day mama a new song will I sing for deities
Celestial beings will raise to honour your name
Mama have I told you that you are my strength
For I have drawn strength form you to run the race for mortals
With you I know that I can stand and look my deepest fears for a mother's loves supersedes
All that evil may harbour toward me.
You are my safe haven mama
My sanctuary for with you I find comfort under your wings
You are my all mama
You are light that gives me hope
Thanks for Reading..
What a wonderful poem, sweet mother I will never forget you for the suffer you suffered for me God bless you
Wow... Beautiful mama... We love you