It can almost always be made simple;
It need never be so hard.
We try to 'Conquer Every Mountain',
Breaking them up into little shards.
The simplest things are better, their beauty is innate.
Why make so much ado, why
Put so much on our plate?
Beauty in our world abounds,
It is in all we See and Do.
We can reflect it in our souls you know,
If to our Own Selves We Be True.
Nothing need be boring, if in simplicity you
Looking deep within to see, with that
Inner Perfect Sight.
The world will drag you under,
If society has its way.
Mans complex world he creates,
Most often leads astray.
Unhappy in the workaday life, straining to keep in pace,
We hurry and scurry, rushing to meet our fate.
When all about us is beauty,
Inside us it is there too.
The Simplicity of the Flower,
Floating on a reflection so blue.
Take a moment to ponder; a
Moment longer to sink it in,
Do we really need this hastening burden,
That tears us from Kith and kin?
A roof, some food, the
Warmth of a friendly smile;
These are the real necessities, that
Will carry you through the
Miles. So make it simple,
Keep it true; there is
All the beauty that
Is needed, right
Inside of you.
“Stay True”
Jerry E Smith
Marcus Dall Col-Unsplash
These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks
Self Portrait from about 1978
It can almost always be made simple;
It need never be so hard.
We try to 'Conquer Every Mountain',
Breaking them up into little shards.
The simplest things are better, their beauty is innate.
Why make so much ado, why
Put so much on our plate?
Beauty in our world abounds,
It is in all we See and Do.
We can reflect it in our souls you know,
If to our Own Selves We Be True.
Nothing need be boring, if in simplicity you
Looking deep within to see, with that
Inner Perfect Sight.
The world will drag you under,
If society has its way.
Mans complex world he creates,
Most often leads astray.
Unhappy in the workaday life, straining to keep in pace,
We hurry and scurry, rushing to meet our fate.
When all about us is beauty,
Inside us it is there too.
The Simplicity of the Flower,
Floating on a reflection so blue.
Take a moment to ponder; a
Moment longer to sink it in,
Do we really need this hastening burden,
That tears us from Kith and kin?
A roof, some food, the
Warmth of a friendly smile;
These are the real necessities, that
Will carry you through the
Miles. So make it simple,
Keep it true; there is
All the beauty that
Is needed, right
Inside of you.
“Stay True”
Jerry E Smith
Marcus Dall Col-Unsplash
These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks
Self Portrait from about 1978
great drawing, photo and words. Well done. yes let's walk in peace.
Thank you very much @photobe, sorry it took me so long
To respond, I have a lot going on in my life right now,
For a change most of it is good. I really need to get
Back to sketching, it used to give me a lot of joy.