"Wouldn't that be a Kick?"

in #poetry6 years ago

Desert fireworks impacts.jpeg

Our minds are like intuitive fireworks; ideas launch
Scintillating and sparkling in the most
Unexpected directions. Surrounded by the majesty of
Our universe, we can make associations and come to
Seemingly unconnected conclusions.
These often times are unproductive, but still

Think of a high pressure water hose, that no one is
Holding down; it flips and flops all over the place.
That is what the human mind is like, a spark
Jumping all over a circuit board, making
All manner of unpredictable connections.
Listen to your thoughts, remember your

Self talk is you, sorting through the mysteries
That your mind has stumbled upon.
Who knows; you may be the one to
Discover unlimited free energy.

Wouldn’t that be a kick?

Jerry E Smith

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks


enlightening and very true Jerry. Keep it coming!

Thank you @chabudot, I appreciate the comment and compliment.