It's not that your unimportant to me, it's not that at all. It is because you are so important to me I run. I am scared, you are getting to close, far far to close to me. I am the unwanted, the abandoned, the unloved by you. If you had loved me you would never leave me. Unwanted abandoned alone, I was taught well . To never ever ever give a hell about anyone even my own. I loved them deeply but not with heart and soul. Idid my best to not abondon them and leave them alone. Yet I failed. I tried and did give them a home one that I knew I truly not own. Their father abusive I did finally leave. I cried and cried but still I believed he loved me. Then turn I into a passionate wich I would beguile him then give him the switch. I turned abusive myself the one that was not good enough. I drove him crazy wondering of who I would lust for.