This is extremely silly, peruse at your own risk...

My Toilet doesn't like its job.
My toilet doesn't like its job.
I find that fact a little odd.
You'd think the way a toilet's built,
I shouldn't have to feel such guilt,
Each time I need to go and sit,
To take a necessary shit.
My toilet doesn't like its job.
It always ends up getting clogged.
Each time I take the littlest dump,
I end up having to go pump.
My toilet makes its feelings known,
Emphatically, in shades of brown.
I wish my toilet would accept,
It cannot help the fate it's met,
The way I cannot help the fact,
That every human has to crap.
~The End ~
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omg jill you are so funny and so lovely <3 hugs
this made me laugh out loud at work XD thanks so much!!!
hahaha! my pleasure. I'm glad you liked it.
and thankiiies~~XD
Unfortunately I only remembered your warning about how it was funny AFTER I'd read it with a mouthful of coffee and then nearly choked from trying not to let it spurt all over the computer XD
LoL hope you get it fixed soon XD
loool love it
HAHAHAHHA aw man. that comment made my day
Hahahahhaha good poem really funny
:P thank you! :D
This is greeeat hahaha
"My toilet makes its feelings known,
Emphatically, in shades of brown."
glad you like it hehehehe
hahaaaaaaaa! Brilliant!
One could say that this poem is full of crap!
I love it!
one could indeed say that! XD
Hahaha, well this is great, song is crazy totally, love it @jillustrations :)
thank you! XD
Lol! Very nice, that's hilarious! Hopefully they don't decide to go on strike, that's when the shit has hit the fan haha.
HAHAHAHAHA! omg yes indeed O_O" let's hope that doesn't happen XD
Hahaha I needed a good laugh after this week! Thanks for that @jillustrations
aww spacey, I'm glad I could sweeten your week a little with some sillyness <3 haha
Well that is just something beautiful right there. Ha ha @bleedpoet would like this poem... him and his toilet have an intimate history too.
hahaha well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. XD I'm rather fond of it myself.