No regrets

in #poetry9 years ago (edited)

Sometimes you have to know when to fight and when to withdraw. It is a fine line we walk in regards to that. Sometimes we fight and get the crap kicked out of us when we should have withdrawn and sometimes we regret not fighting for something and withdrawing because we let something attainable pass us by because of fear from the last butt whoopin we took.

Sometimes in life you only get 1 chance to go for it. If you decide that something isn't worth fighting for then 1 of 2 things will happen, you saved the butt whoopin you would have got, or you regret not taking the chance at something great!
I don't live that woulda, coulda, shoulda kind of life and I have had the crap kicked out of me numerous times because of it, but still I dust myself off and take the next chance because I don't want to live with the regrets of not trying.