Reality Check on Love!

in #poetry9 years ago (edited)

The person who said, "It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all," must have never had a heartache.

There is no worse feeling than losing the person you loved more than anything and knowing there is not a damned thing you can do about it.

The reality that you are alone again after giving everything you have, your heart and soul, to a person with whom you thought you were going to spend the rest of eternity with, can turn the nicest of people into an uncaring monster. This is not only from the anger produced my it all, but the fear of it happening again. You will be hurt! Probably more than once unless you are one of the very lucky few. Take it from someone who knows first hand. there is no reason to lie and say it will never happen, because it will. However, it is out of our control so you just have to learn to deal with it. It's not an easy pill to swallow, but a necessity non the less.

Fear not, there is someone out there for all of us. You just have to be patient.

It may take years before "the one" is part of your life, but they are out there.

I am not saying not to date or experience life until you feel you've found that person because you may pass that person up without knowing they were there. Have fun and live life to the fullest because when the time is right, you'll know it! If you just sit around and wonder when, you'll be miserable. What's the point?

You can't make it happen, it just will. Why spend your life waiting and wondering? It's too short!

When you find that special someone, treat them as the most prized possession in the world because that is exactly what they are, a treasure. You can consider yourself one of the lucky ones to have that part of your life fulfilled, but it can't stop there.

You have to work together to keep the harmonious balance in your relationship.

Believe me, I am not saying there will not be fights and problems.

Reality Check! We're still human.

No matter how hard we try, there are going to be things that annoy the hell out of each other about the other person, but that's life.

There's positively no person in existence that every one of us cannot find a flaw that bothers us.

However, like I said, we're human. We are FAR from perfect! that's why there is homelessness, hunger and war, but our differences make us,... well, us.

Our differences make love all worth it, but you still have to work thru them.
Compromise is a big part of that!

Yeah guys, even we need to stop being so macho and compromise a little. You've got the most wonderful thing since we were wearing diapers, unconditional love by someone other than Mom.

Most importantly, be happy and enjoy the company of the person you are with. who knows? Maybe they are "the one," flaws and all.

If not, oh well. There's plenty of people out there looking for the same thing most of us are, companionship and unconditional, undying love.

That special someone is out there somewhere. Just be patient.