Whenever I listen to popular opinion
I witness the proclamations of how the recession has concluded
How the tough economic times are found in the rearview mirror
The ‘official’ unemployment rate adheres to a downward trend
All while they stare at statistics produced by the statists
The cost of purchasing a house has risen since the 2008 bubble
A pristine housing bubble inflates while hidden in view
I step back to observe the bigger picture
I gather the necessary information from diverse sources
I condense my discoveries into chewable bites
I realize the obvious is true
I’m not alone in my convictions
My worst fears about the economy are correct
The unemployment rate is far higher than reported by the statists
The national debt has skyrocketed over the past decade
Global conflicts have intensified in due step
Hyperinflation appears imminent for all statist currencies
Worst of all
The people have become delusional and aggressive
They have divided themselves along several boundaries
The presidential election in America is months away
Most continue to believe their fate rests in one person’s hands
The self-dubbed ‘leader of the free world’
Few consider to think outside the ballot box
Fewer still understand recessions are normal occurrences in a market system
But this recession is artificial altogether
The statists have prevented the freedom to fail
The necessary component to economically correct ourselves
If individuals understood the economic consequences politicians have caused
And they realized their power to create abundance and happiness
A peaceful revolution through serial entrepreneurialism would begin before sunset
I realize the truth is hard to swallow
Nobody can save us except ourselves
Vote with your money and creativity
Never participate in the election of corrupt psychopaths
Their appetites are satisfied by throwing us under the speeding bus
They are policy makers that happen to enrich themselves at our expense
They never were innovators except of the arts of thievery