—Agnes Sligh Turnbull
But my pup
Is restless,
Wants to run outside
And meet
The neighbours;
So I grab water
For her and me
And set off
For the local field.
I’m happy
Watching her play
And warm up
To strangers;
Makes me thankful
For this time
I think back
To previous pups:
Sheba, the wise one,
Who helped raise
Our kids;
Levi, the wild one,
With his joy
And zany antics;
And now, Abbey,
Our diva
Who won’t give the paw—
No, she’s too grand,
And being part poodle
Insists instead
On holding hands.
It’s sad in a way,
Pups’ lives are short
And over too fast...
Still they hold our hearts
In their hands
And make little fuss,
And always give love
Without asking too much.
Countess Karlotta Libenstein of Germany left approximately $106 million to her Alsatin, Gunther III, when she died in 1992.
you have a powerful vote, my friend, but you didn't vote for me. That was an interesting fact about the Countess, but Steemit is about sharing. Right?
De qué esta hecha tu alma, poeta!? Qué grosor tiene tu piel que al mínimo gesto es sensible?! Los animales, así como las plantas, tienen el bien de sacar lo mejor de los seres humanos. Qué hermoso homenaje a quien silenciosamente te ha dado amor y compañía, @johnjgeddes. Eso habla mucho de ti. Hablamos aquí de otro amor, de otra compañía, una tal vez más incondicional. El poema habla de una corta vida, pero de un eterno amor y gratitud. Te abrazo fortísimo!
Gracias, Nancy, tu opinión sobre mí es lo que aspiro a ser :)
Amen, dogs are such a blessings...no wonder they call them "man's best friend" Great poem John!
Thanks :) They are friends for sure
Beautiful and true. I will never forget my best friend from when I was little. My old doggie who was always by my side, my best friend whom I will forever remember with love. Thanks for sharing and reminding me of my very first best friend, Sultan ❤️
Thank you for your response
🙏🏼 You’re very welcome ☺️
A beautiful tribute to man's best friend. I swear, my dogs were created just for me. Thank you for this wonderful poem!
Thank you!
They are too short! What a sweet face
Oh, indeed! Nothing quite compares to that special love they give so very freely every moment of everyday, till their last breath, a true testament of unconditional love realised.
Thank you for this beautiful piece.
I am always and ever so thankful that our dog is unequivocally happy to see me when I come home, or when we get up in the morning.
Such joy, and it's triggered by my mere presence! Amazing, and undeserved!