
Oh, that storm was a doozy. And we had a micro tornado that literally dropped over 20 trees at my doorstep. Can you believe it only tweaked our trailer? Buried the truck too but absolutely no other damage. Not even a window cracked!
We've actually found a house. Doing minor renovation before we actually move in. It will be nice to have creative space again. Work has kept me away from Steemit. Hopefully NaNoWriMo will get me back here. I've really missed all of you. Give Deb my best and tell her to get her rear end to that new VIVA forum.

Oh, is that where you are now? I knew you were heavily into crypto, buts aside from investing/trading Vivacoin is that website in any way analogous to Steemit? (I'll let Deb know, BTW)

Naw, the only connection to Steemit is the fact that the majority of our members are Steemians. :) You know, ironically I'm in the rabbit hole that is crypto but I still have a lot more to learn about it. Still tripping over terminology and how things function. There's never a dull day! Time to write and see what comes out of my tired brain today. LOL