We are only
Lips and words
Puffs of breaths
In darkness…
Ghosts talking.
The diaphanous
Bubble of words
Between us
Glitters with flecks
As silvery small fish
Pass between us
And are lost
In ripples
And eddies
Of the cosmic ether
And whether intended
Or not these gestures
Flash from within
The cloud
Often accompanied
By ominous rumblings
That are not thunder…
But only conundrums
Of the human sort.
This is a riddle alright. I had to look some of the words up in the dictionary....lol. Did you know the shape of this piece is that of a fish?
I think the poem is about the human storm of emotions, out of the cloud of passion and interferences causing poor communication. Or....it's about communication between God and man - He speaks in a still small voice - not in signs, wonders, or thunder.
I am sure you can explain for me however.
ha ha, and so I did - but you didn't have to be so shy about venturing an interpretation. Once you got the main idea about the failure of human communication, the rest is up to interpretation. One school of thought suggests that once the poem is posted, the author's intentions are only one view in a series of other possible interpretations
very nice choices of words in expression.
Thanks for reading it :)
I love the rythm and imagery
Well written.
thanks, @wandrnrose - the form imitates the content :)
You just made me realise that I still have a lot to learn as a poet. Words perfectly enslaved and superb illusive imagery, the fusion swept me off my feet. Thanks for sharing
thank you
We are what we are.
Just the lips of words and puffs of breaths:)
so true...
wow!!! This is a deep dive into the world of words, a mind vast as the Ocean
I love this work @johnjgeddes
Soul touching <3
you got me with your letters from the beginning to the end
thank you
Clearly show it was written from depth of your soul.... Amazing poetry work.
Nice post, please follow and vote me
this is really cool!
How beautiful
The kind of writing that always leave you feeling full after reading.
Enjoy reading all your work so much.
Thank you for putting beautiful words together...