
haha, that sounds like a hell of a day. But I guess at least it wasn't freezing cold

oh you are so wrong there putting your hands into wet ground and the wind was so strong seen a massive tree fall in the tree line my hands were so numb by the end of the day i couldn't move them

wasnt just rain was storming lol

Ohhhh that does suck then. But at least the ground wasn't frozen? I'm trying to find some sort of positive for ya, haha. Either way, it sounds pretty damn cold and miserable

The positive was it made me know what hard work is never again will i complain about hard work and it really annoys me when i hear other people complain lol

haha there ya go! Yea I hear ya, as much as it sucks, more people need to experience actual hard work. Then they would realize how good they actually have it.