The way she captured the moment, and the words used to describe what seems to be an horrible experience. Sad and magnificent all in one.
I'm a huge fan poetry and the ability to play with words, but in this poem she was also able to paint the picture of her desires as well as the pain she happens to be dealing with. An experience that isn't wanted on her part.
The poem is by Heaven831 and she has captured the meaning of raw in this poem. I hope you all enjoy the sadness and beauty captured by her. The poem is titled "Imagine"
I hold on to the remains of my broken soul, as it deteriorates in slow motion.
Tears flood every wound and I try to drown the thoughts but they always seem to float back to me. The remaining wounds are too deep to cover.
I can feel the screams trace my soul but no sound is heard...I can't take this anymore...OH GOD NO!
Here he comes again...shadows intersect the walls...HURRY! Pretend to sleep, DON'T MOVE, he's getting closer. PLEASE, don't start to cry, he'll notice. Just lay back and get it over with. Now just IMAGINE, sink into oblivion and escape this reality.
Let's see where will I go today?
OH I KNOW, I want float on the ocean and swim in the clouds.
Dance with the dolphins and soar high with the birds.
Sing with the mermaids and race with the honey bees.
Swing on the waves and balance on the sun's rays.
He's almost done... DON'T STOP...just IMAGINE
Where we're we? Oh Yeah! Explore every inch of the sky and count the sea shells.
Befriend all the angels and make peace with all creation.
Slide down the rainbow and name all the stars while I kiss every raindrop that descends from the Heavens.
"I love you"... he's finally through, THANK GOD!!!
"I love you too, Daddy," I whisper as he leaves my room.
Could you just IMAGINE?
what an awesome poem really great thank you for sharing dear @joseph
Words on marble!
It is power and ispiring poetry it makes any one unconscious
Really immolation one , I heard fro long time. but few points can improve much better. But overall very nice with imagination.
Excellent post I invite you to read my last post in English
thank you for writing poetry!
OMG, truly horrible... I thought it was just bad, but then the "Daddy" came... Not the poem of course, bad is what it describes, the poem itself is really powerful. Cheers!
Nice read.@joseph They say poetry is our connection with the Divine.
Love this poem @joseph
very beautiful words this poem @joseph..
sounds powerful
Powerful indeed, poetry that touches the soul
Deep words i like this poem thank you for sharing this beautiful post with us
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I am very happy to read this poem
so many dictions are immersed into it
when feelings are expressed raw
I was amazed at the beauty of this poem
A telepathic poem
That's the power of imagination......thanks for sharing such a nice poem
I love it!!
thoughts well penned down.....beautiful imagery@joseph
Disturbing, but brilliantly wrote.
Wow, how terrible. I felt every emotion as I was reading it.
An awesome and inspiring poem would love to read more of this. You can also look through my page @johnakharia for inspiring poems.
Thank you, @joseph for being an advocate of poetry -- and, @Heaven831 for laying your heart bare. The more personal we are, in verse, the more universal...
I hope you might enjoy my latest post, "Bodies are Like Poems"
Cheers, Yahia
I don't know if I've got it or not. I don't know if it's right to call it raw but I just posted a piece.
Look at this amazing writing style @moonsoleil