“In every poetries that is written, comes deep emotions that is hidden.”
Hola there!. It’s been a while since I updated my #RandomMonday sorry for that but now I’m back with my poetries that I made recently. I have been in this situation where I wanted to express myself so badly so here’s what I got.

Did you know my pain in those?
those consequence that I accept
and this freedom that I lost >
Did you know what I really felt?
these feelings that I held
and decisions that I meld
Of course you don’t, cause there’s nothing been said
haven’t heard a single word.
Now tell me did you hear my voice?
Of course you don’t, cause she pretend well
synthetic actions felt like hell
Now tell me did you see what’s behind the mask?
Tell me is everything really fine?
Is there anything on the line?
Cause I’ve been losing my mind.
Tell me that what I’m doing is right
that I’m walking towards the light
cause I am swallowed by my doubt.
For now I can continue to act strong
no matter how long but I just wanna know
Did you know?.
Iron fist

Icy cold stare
with those frosty eyes
is a girl that is frighten
Icy cold heart
with those words that cut
comes a girl that is hurt
Icy cold hands
with those bruise in her knuckles
made a tough girl that punches
Known as being cold and bold
now nothing can hold
as she fight with her iron fist
"May your blog posts don't have any wrong grammars." (like mine)
Roxy signing off. . .