Learn to be honest to say induvidualis
Not cheating is not ethical
Student Miris overly connected GPA
The letters and symbols he can
It does not matter where it comes from
it is important that he can get an A
No matter the hungry people
Price needs in market control
Student's screams are not heard
Bear his air conditioner while studying
Students today are absent
He said loyal friend
No matter, important lectures are present
The foolishness of the famine and darkness
Students should not be too keen on GPA
People do not need letters and lift
The people need its action
Not those who sit on the sofa
They need a light in the darkness
The sound is not real
They live miserably
Student life is not the most beautiful shout
Demo down rice prices is a blessing
For the sake of making a blessing in working
Life safe sentosa
Belajar jujur dikata induvidualis
Tidak memberi contekan dibilang tidak etis
Miris mahasiswa terlalu terambung IPK
Huruf dan angak simbol dia bisa
Tidak penting asal dari mana
penting dia bisa mendapat nilai A
Tak peduli rakyat lapar
Harga kebutuhan di kendalikan pasar
Teriakan mahasiswa tidak terdengar
Beruang AC nya ketika belajar
Mahasiswa jaman sekarang titip absen
Katanya setia kawan
Tidak peduli, kuliah yang penting hadir saja
Masa bodoh rakyat kelaparan dan gelap gulita
Mahasiswa jangan terlalu mengejar IPK
Rakyat takbutuh huruf dan angkat
Rakyat butuh aksi nya
Bukan mereka yang duduk di ataa sofa
Mereka perlu penerang dalam gelap gulita
Bunyi suara sudah tidak nyata
Mereka pun hidup sengsara
Hidup mahasiswa bukan teriakan terindah
Demo turun harga beras sangat lah berkah
Demi mengais berkah dalam bekerja
Hidup aman sentosa
Postingan yang sangat bagus... good job
Terima kasih