Last night they had come, these monsters of the night
Lurking in the dark while waiting for victims was their best plot but tonight, this very night they had come in the bright of the moon
I was terrified by the deaden sound of their movement
Even from my hideout I couldn't help but imagine the weight of their weapons
I recalled the stories mother had told of them full of dread and fright with trails of blood and subsequently death as evidence of their attack
I was afraid for my innocence, these savages knew not old or young
I shivered from underneath my hideout as my fear gave me away
They never needed permission of entrance from the door, they had meander their way through at least that's what crooks do
I had chaotic thoughts roaming inside of me as these evil molestors drew near
I lost thoughts of fright as thoughts of pity filled my mind
I couldn't agree with flight so I sought to fight
I picked up my weapon and gave a quick dash to the first and gush of blood was let out
In a bid to escape my wrath, the second was trapped on the edge of my bed so with all power and strength, I smashed it too
And as satisfaction rose inside of me, I looked at the two dead mosquitoes who attacked me.
waooooo.... you write well, bruvh