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RE: Know Thyself

in #poetry7 years ago

This was a good read. Being a late bloomer creatively, appreciating the years of experience life has given, and continually learning are all things I can relate to. I’m also the same in that I start with a broad concept and fine tune it down.

I write very roughly to get the sequencing and broad ideas down. It’s just a skeleton chapter, it’s usually sparked by a single idea. It could be a flower, a person, a situation. I have an idea on how to start and how to end.

It’s an awful alpha read. My husband’s eyes bleed because I get him to okay the concept in the very early stages. It’s part of my process, not to waste time on a flawed idea, but it’s proven to work.

Not sure how all this ties in with the HardFork, so I’ll just enjoy the writing aspect of your post. :)