Deep end, what if in you is where I find a friend?
Fire burns but I am sure
it's worse to be a cold soul in this cold world.
And when I take off the mask and hold it high --
it is a piece of me still.
We all have things we hide.
Sometimes I don't have time to preen these feathers
to fake a smile.
It's been awhile since
something great fell on my plate.
Or am I blind?
Am I just scared to open up inside?
Is it you or is it me?
I know I fight for what I believe,
and keep my enemies close.
Good things seldom come in a hurry.
They take their time
like vintage wine
not all in a flurry.
No great thing was built on drama and steam,
sheer will and daydreams.
All good things take time,
and because I know this
great things will be mine.
Brightly my fire burns
too bright for eyes so used to dark
shadows, dark lies.
But when I sing I look you in the eyes.
I will warm you;
I will try
even if it hurts,
even if it burns
and it does.
I can't stop winter
but I can warm you with laughter.
I can hold you til summer
or I can save it for later.
You just let me know.
You know where to find me.
A friend is really hard to find
When you are so kind
Do not give up your work
It will pay when it is lock