I have just read your post that you linked in your comment - it's wonderful! It really gives a lot of insight into what travelling around Rishikesh is, and I cannot wait to be there even more now, haha!
Thank you so much for sharing your post and that website!
Thanks for the response, there is so many advantages for solo travelling. Like you I too mostly prefer the same. We are not bound with any external pressure if it is solo. is it? Free to chose the place, the time, where to say ete etc...
Also good to hear that you are having some influence by Hinduism and its way of thinking. I gone through that post too, WHY IT IS RAM RAM.? I tend to disagree with this point
But not sure though. But it is a way of life and there are so many lessons that can be learned from India.
Great to hear your travel plans. Any plan to travel to south India. There are so many famous temples and tourist attractions.
Finally I am happy to hear that you gone through my travel story. It makes so much inspiration to write more as even my close friend doesn't know I have such a blog. It also few more important tourist destination if you would like and if you have time. Golden Temple of Amritsar - A religious place for Sikhs - is one such one, it ised to flocking with international tourist place,
Thanks a lot...and have a good day
Solo travelling is the best way to have a great experience. राम was Neem Karoli Baba's mantra, which Ram Dass introduced to the west. Nope... I will only be visiting the north area this time. Hopefully next time I will go to the south though. Keep up the good work on your blog! Thanks.