Took a dip in reeking creeks but
I fell in love with the electric shocks
While running on powerlines
As I was in hot pursuit of Change..
When you start to depart from an established course, all hell breaks loose.
You'll lose your pattern and it'll throw you off balance.
It is an unexplainable occurrence that baffles you.
The fear of the unknown is in all of us because change is a mysterious phenomenon,
it is a beautiful thing. Nothing will make sense, at first.
If you don't like something, change it.
If you can't change it, change your attitude.
-Maya Angelou
I wrote this poetry when I realize I existed in a double-dealing state.
All explanations are in question, it was almost like living in a world of lies,
surrounded with not-my-people.
I knew I had to change course and went on a strange route, it was out of my ordinary.
It was frighteningly glorious but definitely worth it..
(Unless Stated Otherwise)
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Thank You For Reading.. ^^
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Here Are My Other Penned Thoughts:
✏ The Quietest War
✏ The Perfect Drug
✏ Blunder
✏ Fire
✏ The Devil Himself (Short Story)
✏ Lust For Passion
✏ Look Beyond
✏ Jokes On Me
✏ Touched By Frost
✏ Master Of Tall Tales
✏ Chasing Dreams
✏ Her Own Prey
✏ Be Brave
✏ Dangerous Games
✏ Sleep Paralysis
✏ My Monsters Your Lovers
✏ Succubus (Short Story)
✏ Mirror
✏ Selflessness
✏ Yesterday's Deed
✏ My Love
✏ Magical Mind
✏ A Letter To Me
Everything In This Content Is Originally Written By: @madsquash