I don't want to wake up, poetry.

in #poetry2 months ago


How good it is to be in the dark night, because then I can sleep, it's my escape. I'd like to stay, not to wake up, because my life is a storm. At least in bed, with my cold sheets, I still have my dreams and they are not gone. Certainly I would like to close my eyes to the world, and in that oblivion, in that moment find peace. I don't want to open my eyes, if the day brings bad things for me, I prefer to live in illusion, where time is infinite.

May the sun not rise, may the night protect me, because in my sleep, in my silence, I find the calm that is not there when I wake up. I cling to the hope of not seeing, because reality is hard to face. So leave me here, with my dreams, where there are no storms to fear, where I can be who I want to be, without the fear of having to wake up.

Original poetry by (martinte)

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