Ode to the misfits

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)


Ode to the misfits

Here’s to the misfits and the fuck-ups
Here’s to the weirdos and the freaks
The outcasts and the troublemakers
The socially awkward and the weak

Here's to those who've tried to fit in
But somehow never got it right
Here’s to trying, failing, trying
Failing, giving up the fight

Here's to everyone who wonders
How others manage everyday
Who feel they're never in control
And life just slowly slips away

Here's to everyone who thought they
Would have it figured out by now
Who still struggle to find purpose
But manage to get by somehow

Here's to the ones who drag the luggage
From lonely journeys of their past
With rough edges and muddy waters
Who feel they never make things last

Here’s to battle scars from fights with
Demons living deep within
Here’s to learning to accept them
Knowing you will never win

Here’s to finding friends who get it
Who don’t sugarcoat the pain
Who don’t pretend it’s always sunny
But take you dancing in the rain

Here's to all invisible warriors
Facing life just day by day
Here’s to embracing your inner weirdness
Normal is boring anyway

Normal is boring 2.jpg

I haven't really had the peace of mind to write stories lately, but luckily I have managed to create a few things that require less time and concentration. I thought I might share some of it here. Both the text and the drawings are my own.

I think at least 75% of the people I know (myself included) consider themselves abnormal, weird, a misfit... and there's such a negative connotation to it. It's a topic that's been wandering around in my mind a lot lately and it expressed itself in my recent work.