in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever woken up to a dull day?
Where everything is gloomy and sad?
The flowers are withering
The water is brown
The dust to high to color the clouds
The soil is just muddy
The trees swinging sadly
And then you declare it a sad day

What if your interpretation was different?
Or what if you paid less attention?
Someone always told me 90% of our sadness is due to the fact that we concern ourselves with things that should not actually concern us
We tag our bad days on bad mornings, bad meals, disappointments, we even tag them on peoples bad days.
But no one should be the cause of your bad day
You should never let anything cost you happiness.

Be happy even when the flowers are withering
Be happy when its raining
Be happy when others are dull
Be your day's boss
Carry your own sunshine within
Carry your own bright day
You the reason why your day will be how it will be.




Well spoken and shared. =)

Thanks hun..😄😄