Lactic Lullabies (Day 1 of 100)

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)


Carried on steel and sweat
Regret coming
But first I
Elevate weight
Lifting weakness from within
Punishing the sin
In acidic hell
As fibers swell in the crucible
Burning the slothful past
past the point of exhaustion
Lost in the memories
Of ‘that which was’
Transformed into
That which will be
Will me past myself!

As barriers burn like muscular tissue
Breaking me down
Into kindling
But like the Phoenix to fires
My goal requires that I rise
Again and again and
Again and again and again
Until I begin to
Crawling with beaten limbs
At the end of the day
My body craves rest
And drags me down into slumber

Submitted for the steemitschool poetry challenge. Join us:

I'm back! This is my first poem in a while. I have been a little too preoccupied to write much lately. I also recently started working out again and this piece is about that. I'm so sore right now that I'm walking around like an old man. I'll get back there though. What have you guys been up to?
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the process of bettering one's self, whether physical or mental, never comes easy - especially when it's an effort at a return to form after a time.

Speaking of exactly that and how well you expressed the struggles and difficulties here, @moeknows, good to see this poem, my friend!

Definitely missed your writings, and glad to once again see the reassuring sight of them on my timeline, haha.

All the best always, good sir!

Thank you! I needed to return. Been a little too preoccupied lately, but I hope to stay consistent for a while this time. I'll be around.

Hey @moeknows!! Thanks for this submission. I really enjoyed your lucid contemplation on inner torment/struggle/rising repeatedly as a phoenix. Would you mind putting the Day in your title? It'll help us find the pieces easier.

Great piece. Adding you to the Advanced category.

P.S. This was technically published on day 2 but I will count it towards day 1 :-)

Done. Thank you. I'll tell you what, I'm still feeling the fire of my last workout, but I hope to stay as committed to that and my poetry during this challenge. We'll see how it goes.

When do the days start? I thought it was 1800 UTC...or is that the deadline? I posted Day 2 a little while ago. Hopefully that is in time.

Also, I have a little SBD I want to donate for prizes. Not much but some. How do I go about doing that?

Cool poem. I like your short phrasing and word play.😎

Thanks, @acousticsteveo. I appreciate the comment. Thank you very much.