Storm Coming Day 2 of 100 (Haibun)

in #poetry7 years ago

Photo Credit: Arnold Paul (cropped by me)

Storm Coming

The prophet stands on his empty cliff. Peering at the restless sea below. His eyes transfixed by the cresting waves on the shoreline. The beauty of their furious motion calls him like sirens. In them, he sees the messages others miss, watching them like a child reading a book. He is enamored by their patterns and names each one. In return for his love, they tell him the future. “You will prosper.” “You have nothing to fear.” Their revelations come to him as flashes of light, while the ignorant world rumbles softly in the distance.

The shores have his eyes
As fate stalks the horizon
The waves tell him naught

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Haibun(s) are one of my favorite types of poetry. For those of you that don’t know, it is a combination of prose with haiku. I’m normally not much of a prose poetry writer, but I like the short nature of the prose in haibun and I enjoy the opportunity to flex the poetry in the haibun. This particular poem was born from the idea that people can get so wrapped up in something that they forget the world around them. Thanks for reading. Let me know your thoughts.
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So I know that a haiku has rules, what are the rules for the prose section (if there are any)

Haibun tends to be very broad without hard set rules. The only real rule I know is that it is prose followed by haiku. The haiku should complement the prose and show it from a different perspective.

I really enjoy this mix and may give it a try as it's new to me. I like how this piece arrests me, brings me present to ponder as it's rather illusive, and I love that.

Thanks, Niish! I don't usually get into prose, so for me, it's a good form in which to challenge myself. I think they're a lot of fun.

Well done. It is good to push ourselves... I find that by reading others (that inspire me) I feel an internal pull to try whatever it was that caught my attention in a new way, it's a beautiful thing.