The battlefield
Stretchmarks crawl across my skin
Like a river tearing through the land
The oceans could not be contained
Neither can I
A trail of freckles dusted on my cheeks
Just as endless summer nights
The sky on fire with all the dying lights
My short, broken nails and raw skin on knees-
Not even the cracked crust of the earth
Can compare to them
My body has seen battles
And has never surrendered
Nor will I.

That is a badass poem that I definitely can relate to. Wow such vivid imagery, I gotta start practicing more poetry so I can be as good as you someday! It seems like such a meditative process.
Do not make my bunghole angry!... You have any holio?
This is beautiful! I love the comparison to nature. Nature has no physical flaws, and neither do we. We may have physical differences, but we are all beautifully made.