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RE: You Again

in #poetry7 years ago

I love this poem, I feel the longing and the loneliness. And to a returned haunting of a love thought lost and long gone. Keep writing you are a master-poet, eventually many will recognize that. I also read your poem from 10 days ago called, sometimes everything is wrong.
I felt your spirit/countenance was low. I do not know what you have experienced in this lifetime that caused you to be in such a low place. I will say this to you, we may live a lifetime and not have many things we need or things we desire. It gets even more difficult when we look at others in the world that seem to be living a good life, driving fancy cars and living in big houses or other stuff people seem to have plenty of that one that doesn't have may desire. I can feel your spirit. Yet I would like to share with you that right now my family and I are preparing for Hurricane Irma to hit my state of Georgia by Monday. It may bring 4,5 feet of water with it. Our entire world history has not seen a hurricane this big. I say all this to make the point that if you are not in chaos where you have to run for your life or experience destruction such as a hurricane count your blessings. Do we deserv to live the life of our dreams? Yes we do. And you have a lot more living to do I am sure @scoloscope and your dreams can come true. You have taken a big step in the direction of the life you desire by joining Steemit. Keep writing, making friends and giving from your heart, and you will grow and prosper beyond far beyond where you presently are. Let's stay connected. Wholeness


Am so moved by your words.
Don't know wat more to say 'cept thanks for the advice and encouragement. Means a lot.
Gladly, I will keep writing even as I count my blessings.
As for the hurricane predicament u r to face,
For me, tis a frightening thought to bear
I can only pray for divine favor and mercy from God.
Stay well
Thanks again@mrs.digitalgold

Thank you for responding @scoloscope, this means a million. And as for the hurricane, it is over, I am well and much strong because of the anticipation of the storm. Over a million without electricity in Georgia I am glad yet humbled to say I am not one them. If you prayed for me it worked. Thank You. Now with all this life and energy that I have I am back to working and writing with no more regrets. I am moving forward with amazing grace and power.

Just keep on writing then
With grace and power
We thank God for favorSo glad all is well @mrs.digitalgold

Just read this all over again. I was somewhere in west Africa when i wrote this piece. Tis been 2yrs already. Somehow, I'm now in Georgia.
@mrs.digitalgold Thought I say thanks again for the positive feedback. I ll keep writing. It is a hobby, a passion n it brings some form of relief doing it. Hoping life has been treating you kindly. Thanks @scoloscope